Developmental Resources

Learning Resources for Sensory Challenged Children

We recommend “The Sensory Corner” for learning resources for children who have specific learning or development challenges.  Sensory resources for the sensitive child

This New Zealand site has resources to help you and your child with all sensory concerns: speech, oral motor, fine motor skills e.g. pencil grip, large motor skills e.g. can’t sit still, Autistic Spectrum challenges (weighted blankets etc), fidgeting children, children who like to chew on things etc.  It is a site filled with ideas and tools to help both parents and teachers.  Please tell them that you found their shop from the Parents Partner website.

Highly sensitive children, who make up about 15% of the population need specific parenting and teaching skills to ensure that they don’t retreat inwards and develop anxiety disorders. Parents should consider reading our blog on The Highly Sensitive Child and also our intervention for anxious children.

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